The She's make their Sacramento debut. "The She’s have been making music together since they were young teens. Their forthcoming 2017 release, which they self- produced wth counsel from tUnE-yArDs’ Merrill Garbus, is called “all female rock and roll quartet”, a reductive description they often hear. By reclaiming it as the title of their sophomore album, the San Francisco-based band turns the designation into a source of strength."
Boy Romeo needs no introduction. City tunes for the senstive punks. ""Boy Romeo's self-titled debut manifests in the teenage DNA of its members. The trio pumps out power riffs, they bow at the altar of Weezer, and profess their boyish desires with unquestionable sincerity. Grown men can still have hearts that burn—it ain’t all heartburn."
The Ex-Rippers jangle flounce is a new breed with Daniel Warner on the jx-8p. "That shit lays in a half pack of smoked camel cigarettes while listening to Beat Happening and Lou Reed. The tracks go steady after that like a lazy June afternoon while walking to the store for a cold one for an afternoon on the porch people watching and thinking deep."